3月3日についにantistasi 1.8にバージョンが上がりました!
Steam Workshop版は微妙だったのでGithub版のantistasiをそのまま使用しています。
Steam Workshopで自動アップデートされるmodについては逐次サーバー側もアップデートしますが
Buy Vehicleの購入できる車両はすべて入れ替えてあります。
Quadbike -> M998 HMMWVOffroad -> OH1Truck -> AH1StaticAT -> UH60ArmedOffroad -> Mi-28Mortar -> AC130UMG -> UH1StaticAA -> AH64DAPC -> A10 サンダーボルトII
- Quadbike -> M998 HMMWV
- Offroad -> M1165(M134)
- Truck -> UH60
- StaticAT -> M1167(TOW)
- ArmedOffroad -> UH1-Y
- Mortar -> M270(HE)
- MG -> HMMWV(mk19)
- StaticAA -> HMMWV(AA)
- APC -> Rhino MGS(AFV DLC:Tank必須)
- Offroad -> M119
- Truck -> AH-6
- Helicopter -> Mi-28
◎antistasi 1.8について
- game start at 1 June instead of 6 (better to keep tracking of time flowing)
- weather will start clear and rised to 40% of forecast
- disable smokecover eventhandler (eating performances
- Reduced CIV traveldistance
- Enemy Outposts just retaken by them won’t show static MGs again
- RHS good Anti-Air, no more base breaking because of spraying against building
- Tweaked Camp Crate contents: smgs and buckshots(kumaserver関係なし
- Slightly reduced amount of units in airport and bases
- AAF attack force the garrison spawning.
- Increase spawn on road check distance to 500m, build HQ warning if>500m from Roads, prevent spending for reinforcements if HQ >500m from road.
- Robustness of FIA garrison and Static guns: they hardly flip over, garrison use them properly (still garrison can’t use them if the gunner is killed in action)
- Mission vehicle spwan robustness
- NATO AirAssault fixed and reworked
- Improved ACE medical detection
- organize spawn/despawn & win/loose conditions added lifestate check
- Code organization improvement
- Updated AdvancedTowing by Seth Duda
- Fix QRF and vehicle insta-despawn on killing driver
- Fixed Attack Heli RTB too quick
- Garrison will fortify buildings again
- Fix PlayerMapMarker: incognito visible, in hardmode = no downed visible
- Fixed Roadblock exploit
- Fix spawner
- Fixed unmanning static AT from garrison after a load game
- genroadpatrol fix
- CSAT punishment majorfix
- Fixed duplication FIA units (thanks Sparker)
- Airdrop lower height = Better chance of survive
- Fixed empty tank spawn in FIA airport
- Fix NATO Armor
- Fix AAF Attack
- Fix player teleported to default pos
- added atropine to aceadvancedmedical list
- Fix Devin, he’s really crazy, beware of any abuse.
- Fix Refund HR for recruited FIA units
- Fix RHS Kamaz – now can load boxes
- Removed RadioComms info from Map, no longer useful
- Logoffski fix
- Fixed duplicating personal gear